Best Dry-Herb & Concentrates Vaporizer Reviews

Did you know that vaporizers have been in existence since the 1960’s? The first known person on record to have the idea for an electronic smoking device was Herbert A. Gilbert. In 1963, he filed a patent for this type of product being entirely ahead of his time in more ways than one. Sadly the idea was not approved during this time - smoking was common, there was not a market for a healthier alternative to cigarettes, plus the technology was not in existence at the time. 

Best Dry-Herb & Concentrates Vaporizer Reviews

Did you know that vaporizers have been in existence since the 1960’s? The first known person on record to have the idea for an electronic smoking device was Herbert A. Gilbert. In 1963, he filed a patent for this type of product being entirely ahead of his time in more ways than one. Sadly the idea was not approved during this time - smoking was common, there was not a market for a healthier alternative to cigarettes, plus the technology was not in existence at the time.

Fast-tracking 40 years to 2003, the person that re-invented the vaporizer was a pharmacist by the name of Han Lik. He developed the vaporizer because his father passed away of lung cancer so he began to develop a safer alternative to smoking.

In 2014, The Oxford Dictionary selected “vape” as its Word of the Year.

Since now you know some history behind the vaporizer, we have gather the most trending vapes in market including, an array of vaporizers from desktop units, to portable vapes to e-Pens. Our selection extends to beginner level all the way to professional grade. Some of our vaporizers are not offered anywhere else except here. 

Top 5 Vaporizers

Let’s begin by raising the bar with the newest Pen vape available - the Stowvape Vaporizer!

In 2014, Stowvape introduced vapors the world's 1st all-in-one, dual-purpose dry-herb & concentrates vaporizer with a built-in storage compartment! Interestingly enough, vapor enthusiasts were totally intrigued by this design as it offered sheer convenience, portability and unprecedented discreetness. Nevertheless, I emphasis on the “storage feature” that gives this vape the  upper-hand...

Since most vaporizers are designed around guys, we give props to Stowvape for taking the time to think about females and how women can relate using Stowvape as well. With 3 separate atomizer cartridges, it’s really easy to use and maintain this vaporizer with so much going on in the world nowadays.

WickiePipes reviewed the Magic Flight Launch Box Vaporizer back in 2010, and our video went viral on our YouTube Channel. It’s actually a funny story since YouTube turned off our video so we wouldn’t hit the 1 million views mark. Technically In 2010, it was actually considered “viral” if your video generated 1 million views. They told us that we we’re not allowed to promote any type of “paraphernalia” products on YouTube, so we waited for some time and reposted it in 2012. We still have the most views on the Magic Flight Launch Box Vaporizer on the web. Here’s our video!

Magic Flight Launch Box is the world's smallest dry-herb vaporizer with the fasted heat up time to date! It’s very easy to use and maintain. Hand-made from organic renewable wood in America, Magic Flight Launch Box requires no lighters, just 1 specially designed AA battery. Move the Plexiglass to the side, fill the Box with your favorite smoking blends and get to vaping in less than 5 seconds.

VaporGenie is not only the world's 1st pipe style designed vaporizer, it is the first vape to use a patented high purity inert silicon carbide ceramic flame filter made of silicon and carbon. The flame filter acts as a heat transport where heat and cool air are combined to create vapors! It’s impossible to clog VaporGenie since you’re herbs don’t come in direct contact with the flame. Many have been hesitant to try vaping with VaporGenie due to comparing with electronic vapes, but once they actually got out of there comfort zone and gave VG a warhol, we’re glad to say their perception has changed all around. 

The all around digital & versatile desktop vaporizer that does it all! The Extreme-Q by Arizer gives vapors the opportunity to own a multi-function unit which offers direct-injection, forced air balloon action and potpourri vaping for healthier breathing. The Extreme-Q elegent design is made simple to operate with or without its fully integrated Remote-Control. Arizer has built the Extreme-Q with the newest technology known to the market of herbal vaporizers by using a safety automatic shut-off system. If you like desktop units, or deciding on a desktop vaporizer for the home or office, you can’t go wrong with Arizer Extreme-Q!

DaVinci Vaporizer by Karma Classics presents a luxurious portable vaporizer designed specially for dry-herbs. As an extended bonus DaVinci vapes concentrates too! This world class vaporizer gives vapors the true meaning of portability by a having a fully integrated lithium-ion battery pack that last for many hours without constant recharge and a built-in storage to store extra herbs. As many of us are considering the alternative for taking meds, the DaVinci's portability comes second to none. Simply the size of today’s smart phones, why not make DaVinci your go to vape when you’re on the go?


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